Return to Work: Rebuilding Confidence and Reclaiming Your Career

Rebuilding Confidence

Returning to work after a career break can be a daunting and challenging experience for many women. Whether the break was due to personal reasons, such as raising children, caring for elderly parents, or pursuing higher education, or professional reasons, such as redundancy, relocation, or change of industry, the transition back to the workplace can pose various obstacles and difficulties. One of the most common and significant challenges that women face when returning to work is the loss of confidence.

Confidence is the belief in one’s abilities, skills, and potential to succeed. It is a key factor for career success, as it influences one’s performance, motivation, and satisfaction at work. However, confidence can be easily shaken or eroded by a prolonged absence from the professional environment. Many women who return to work after a hiatus struggle with self-doubt, impostor syndrome, fear of failure, and low self-esteem. These feelings can affect their ability to perform well, communicate effectively, and advance their careers.

Fortunately, confidence is not a fixed trait that one either has or does not have. Confidence is a skill that can be learned, practiced, and improved over time. In this article, we will explore some of the reasons and challenges of losing confidence after a career break, the impact of the loss of confidence on one’s personal and professional life, and some effective strategies to rebuild confidence and reclaim one’s career.

The Challenge of Loss of Confidence

Confidence is a complex and multifaceted construct that is influenced by various factors, such as personality, experience, feedback, environment, and expectations. Confidence can vary depending on the context, task, and situation. For example, one may feel confident in one’s ability to cook a meal, but not in one’s ability to speak in public. Confidence can also fluctuate over time, depending on one’s successes and failures, achievements and setbacks, and positive and negative emotions.

When one takes a career break, one may experience a decline in confidence due to several reasons, such as:

  • Losing touch with one’s professional skills and knowledge
  • Feeling out of date or irrelevant in one’s industry or field
  • Facing a gap or mismatch in one’s resume or portfolio
  • Having to compete with younger or more qualified candidates
  • Having to adapt to new technologies, processes, or standards
  • Having to balance work and family responsibilities
  • Having to deal with discrimination, bias, or stigma

The symptoms of loss of confidence may include:

  • Avoiding or procrastinating on challenging tasks or projects
  • Underestimating or downplaying one’s abilities or achievements
  • Overthinking or second-guessing one’s decisions or actions
  • Seeking excessive validation or approval from others
  • Comparing oneself unfavorably to others
  • Feeling anxious, nervous, or insecure
  • Feeling frustrated, disappointed, or dissatisfied

The examples of how loss of confidence can affect one’s performance, motivation, and satisfaction at work may include:

  • Missing out on opportunities for learning, growth, or promotion
  • Making mistakes or errors due to lack of preparation or focus
  • Having difficulty communicating or collaborating with others
  • Receiving negative feedback or criticism
  • Experiencing burnout or stress
  • Quitting or changing jobs frequently

It is important to recognize that loss of confidence is a normal and valid response to a major life change, such as returning to work after a hiatus. It is not a sign of weakness, incompetence, or failure. It is also not a permanent or irreversible condition. With the right mindset, attitude, and actions, one can overcome the challenge of loss of confidence and regain one’s confidence and career.

Understanding the Impact

Loss of confidence can have negative consequences on one’s personal and professional life. According to a survey by KPMG, 75% of women who returned to work after a career break reported a loss of confidence, and 28% said it affected their career progression. Another study by the University of Edinburgh found that women who returned to work after a career break experienced lower levels of well-being, happiness, and life satisfaction than those who did not.

Loss of confidence can also affect one’s self-image and identity, as one may feel disconnected from one’s previous or desired role, status, or goals. One may feel that one has lost one’s sense of purpose, direction, or meaning. One may also feel that one does not belong or fit in the workplace, or that one is not valued or respected.

One of the factors that can contribute to the loss of confidence among women returning to work is the societal narrative and expectations around career breaks. In many cultures and contexts, career breaks are seen as deviations from the norm, interruptions to the linear and continuous career path, or signs of lack of commitment, ambition, or professionalism. Women who take career breaks may face stereotypes, assumptions, or judgments from others, such as employers, colleagues, family, or friends. They may also internalize these messages and feel guilty, ashamed, or inferior.

However, these narratives and expectations are not accurate or helpful. Career breaks are not anomalies or detriments, but rather common and beneficial experiences that many women go through for various reasons and circumstances. Career breaks are not wasted or idle time, but rather valuable and productive periods that offer opportunities for learning, growth, and development. Career breaks are not setbacks or obstacles, but rather transitions and catalysts that can lead to new possibilities, perspectives, and paths.

Therefore, one of the ways to cope with the loss of confidence after a career break is to reframe one’s perspective and view career breaks as assets rather than liabilities. One can do this by:

  • Acknowledging and appreciating the skills, knowledge, and experience that one gained or enhanced during the career break, such as communication, organization, problem-solving, creativity, resilience, adaptability, etc.
  • Highlighting and showcasing the achievements, accomplishments, and contributions that one made or delivered during the career break, such as volunteering, mentoring, studying, freelancing, parenting, caregiving, etc.
  • Embracing and leveraging the diversity, uniqueness, and richness that one brings to the workplace as a result of the career break, such as insights, ideas, connections, values, passions, etc.

Strategies to Rebuild Confidence

Rebuilding confidence after a career break is not a quick or easy process, but rather a gradual and ongoing journey that requires time, effort, and support. However, it is a worthwhile and rewarding endeavor that can help one overcome the challenge of loss of confidence and reclaim one’s career. Here are some of the strategies that can help one rebuild confidence and achieve one’s career goals:


Self-reflection is the process of examining and evaluating one’s thoughts, feelings, and actions. It can help one understand one’s strengths, weaknesses, preferences, and aspirations. It can also help one identify and address the sources, triggers, and patterns of one’s loss of confidence. Self-reflection can be done through various methods, such as journaling, meditation, coaching, or counseling. Some of the questions that one can ask oneself are:

  • What are the skills, knowledge, and experience that I have or need for my current or desired role, industry, or field?
  • What are the achievements, accomplishments, and contributions that I am proud of or satisfied with in my career or life?
  • What are the challenges, difficulties, or failures that I faced or learned from in my career or life?
  • What are the goals, objectives, or outcomes that I want to achieve or pursue in my career or life?
  • What are the values, principles, or standards that guide or motivate me in my career or life?
  • What are the beliefs, assumptions, or expectations that limit or empower me in my career or life?
  • What are the feedback, compliments, or criticisms that I received or sought from others in my career or life?
  • What are the emotions, moods, or feelings that I experience or express in my career or life?

Positive affirmations

Positive affirmations are statements that affirm or reinforce one’s positive qualities, abilities, and potential. They can help boost one’s self-esteem, self-efficacy, and self-compassion. They can also help one counteract or replace the negative thoughts, doubts, or fears that undermine one’s confidence. Positive affirmations can be written, spoken, or visualized. They should be specific, realistic, and meaningful. Some of the examples of positive affirmations are:

  • I am capable and competent in my work.
  • I have valuable and unique skills, knowledge, and experience to offer.
  • I deserve respect and recognition for my work.
  • I can overcome any challenge or obstacle that I face.
  • I can learn from my mistakes and failures.
  • I can achieve my goals and dreams.
  • I am enough and worthy as I am.

Set achievable goals

Setting achievable goals is the process of defining and pursuing specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound targets or tasks. It can help one focus one’s efforts, track one’s progress, and celebrate one’s successes. It can also help one build one’s confidence by providing a sense of direction, purpose, and achievement. Setting achievable goals can be done by following the SMART criteria, breaking down large or complex goals into smaller or simpler steps, and reviewing and revising one’s goals regularly. Some of the examples of achievable goals are:

  • I will update my resume and portfolio by the end of this week.
  • I will apply for at least three jobs that match my qualifications and interests by the end of this month.
  • I will enroll in an online course or workshop to refresh or enhance my skills by the end of this quarter.
  • I will network with at least five people in my industry or field by the end

Seek feedback

Seeking feedback is the process of asking for and receiving constructive comments, suggestions, or evaluations from others. It can help one improve one’s performance, skills, and knowledge. It can also help one enhance one’s confidence by providing a realistic and positive assessment of one’s strengths, areas of improvement, and potential. Seeking feedback can be done by choosing trustworthy and supportive sources, such as mentors, coaches, peers, or managers, asking specific and open-ended questions, listening actively and respectfully, and acting on the feedback. Some of the examples of feedback questions are:

  • What are the aspects of my work that you appreciate or value the most?
  • What are the areas of my work that I can improve or develop further?
  • How do you perceive my strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats?
  • How do you measure or evaluate my performance, progress, or impact?
  • What are the expectations or standards that I need to meet or exceed?
  • What are the resources or support that I need or can access?
  • What are the best practices or tips that you can share or recommend?

Reboot career skills

Rebooting career skills is the process of refreshing, updating, or acquiring new skills, knowledge, or qualifications that are relevant and useful for one’s current or desired role, industry, or field. It can help one stay competitive, marketable, and employable. It can also help boost one’s confidence by demonstrating one’s competence, commitment, and curiosity. Rebooting career skills can be done by identifying and prioritizing one’s skill gaps or needs, enrolling in online or offline courses, workshops, or certifications, reading books, articles, or blogs, watching videos, podcasts, or webinars, or joining communities, groups, or networks. Some of the examples of career skills are:

  • Technical skills, such as programming, data analysis, design, or engineering
  • Soft skills, such as communication, collaboration, leadership, or creativity
  • Business skills, such as marketing, sales, finance, or project management
  • Industry skills, such as healthcare, education, law, or media
  • Career skills, such as resume writing, interviewing, networking, or negotiating

Seek support

Seeking support is the process of reaching out to and receiving help, advice, or guidance from others. It can help one cope with the challenges, difficulties, or stress of returning to work. It can also help one increase one’s confidence by providing a sense of belonging, connection, and encouragement. Seeking support can be done by building and maintaining a strong and diverse network of personal and professional contacts, such as family, friends, mentors, coaches, peers, or managers, sharing one’s experiences, feelings, or goals, asking for or offering assistance, or joining or creating support groups, forums, or platforms. Some examples of support are:

  • Emotional support, such as listening, empathizing, or validating
  • Informational support, such as advising, educating, or informing
  • Instrumental support, such as providing, facilitating, or enabling
  • Motivational support, such as inspiring, empowering, or challenging

Embrace opportunities

Embracing opportunities is the process of seeking and seizing new or existing possibilities, prospects, or potentials that are aligned with one’s career or life goals. It can help one explore and expand one’s horizons, interests, and passions. It can also help elevate one’s confidence by providing a sense of achievement, fulfillment, and satisfaction. Embracing opportunities can be done by being proactive, curious, and open-minded, researching and identifying one’s options or alternatives, evaluating and weighing the benefits and risks, taking action and following through, or creating and innovating one’s opportunities. Some of the examples of opportunities are:

  • Learning opportunities, such as courses, workshops, or certifications
  • Networking opportunities, such as events, conferences, or meetups
  • Career opportunities, such as jobs, projects, or promotions
  • Personal opportunities, such as hobbies, travels, or volunteering


Returning to work after a career break can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience for many women. However, it can also be a challenging and daunting experience for many others, especially when they face a loss of confidence. Loss of confidence is a common and normal phenomenon that affects many women who return to work after a hiatus. It can have negative consequences on one’s personal and professional life, such as affecting one’s performance, motivation, and satisfaction at work, and one’s well-being, happiness, and life satisfaction.

However, loss of confidence is not a permanent or irreversible condition. It can be overcome and rebuilt with the right mindset, attitude, and actions. In this article, we have discussed some of the reasons and challenges of losing confidence after a career break, the impact of the loss of confidence on one’s personal and professional life, and some effective strategies to rebuild confidence and reclaim one’s career. These strategies are:

  • Self-reflection
  • Positive affirmations
  • Set achievable goals
  • Seek feedback
  • Reboot career skills
  • Seek support
  • Embrace opportunities

By applying these strategies, one can regain one’s confidence and career, and enjoy the benefits and rewards of returning to work. We hope that this article has inspired and empowered you to take charge of your career and life, and to overcome any challenge or obstacle that you may face. Remember, you are capable, competent, and confident. You can do this!

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