Satynmag AICPA&CIMA Women Friendly Workplace Awards 2024

Satynmag AICPA&CIMA Women Friendly Workplace Awards

The Satynmag – AICPA&CIMA Women Friendly Workplace Awards are not just accolades; they represent a commitment to reshaping the narrative of women in the Sri Lankan workplace, fostering an environment where women can thrive, excel, and lead. The journey continues, and the awards serve as a beacon, guiding organizations towards a future of true gender inclusivity and empowerment.

Can Personal KPIs help you grow in your career?

In the journey of personal development, setting and tracking Personal Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) can be a game-changer, providing a roadmap to success and fulfillment. As women navigating the complexities of life, understanding and utilizing personal KPIs can empower us to reach new heights.  We need to understand the significance of personal KPIs, explore how […]

What You Should Eat Before and After Your Workout?


Exercise and fitness go hand in hand in ensuring the overall wellness of women. While exercise and fitness regimes are critical for our well-being, we must also keep in mind the importance of nutrition which makes the process of working out a lot more effective. Every woman’s nutritional needs are different and are unique to […]

Supercharge Your Work Day With These Amazing Healthy Snacks

Healthy Snacks

Hunger pangs at work are a common experience that many of us can relate to. Throughout the workday, especially during mid-morning and late afternoon, our stomachs often remind us that it’s time for a snack. This is when we find ourselves reaching for a quick bite to curb our hunger, sometimes even sneaking in our […]

Fragrance Pairing: Balancing Scents for a Harmonious Home

There’s something enchanting about the way fragrance pairing can transport us to different realms, evoke memories, and elevate our everyday experiences. Whether you’re looking to enhance your meditation sessions, create a harmonious atmosphere at home, or infuse your yoga practice with serenity, the right combination of fragrances can make all the difference. Cycle brand, renowned […]